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The America's

Best Times: All Year.


Although the winter season on the east coast can often find flights brought to a stand still due to thick snow or fog, as well as roads closed in some of the northwest national parks. In general, the south is warmer and drier than the north but hurricane season can hit southern states, including Florida, any time from June to November.



Best Times: All Year.

In Europe, the cold, the rain, the low temperatures and short sunny periods do not encourage travelling. The better destinations include the ski resorts in the Alps and the Pyrenees (FranceSwitzerlandItalyAustria and Spain) or for those who feel the cold more Andalusia still has reasonable sunshine.


Best Times: December - May.


The best time to visit Asia isn’t easily summed up – it’s a huge continent of different regions each with their own weather patterns and micro climates So think about whether you prefer heat, or cooler weather; think about why you’re going – local culture, historical sights, trekking – and what the optimum conditions are to enjoy that (it’s likely you’d rather not appreciate the splendour of the Taj Mahal during the monsoon, for example). Consider crowds, too.

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